Eastern Cosmology fl 107
stepped down to lower levels, just as electric energy at high voltage is
stepped down by transformers, through the intervention of different
lunds of spiritual, mental, and material mechanics. Below the solar
logos come the successive hierarchies of spiritual beings who embody
spiritual principles and powers in different degrees and combinations.
As consciousness differentiates into states of mind of different de-
grees of subtlety, and power into specific powers, what the Hindus call
devis, devatas, and devas come into being. They represent, by analogy,
the different colors of the spectrum derived from white light or the
Ultimate Reality. Though separate and distinct, they are seen not as
being independent of one another, but rather as manifesting in many
levels of mind and matter of different densities.
Our solar system in turn is peopled by billions of evolving individ-
ual souls, known to theosophy as monads.And as it is a tenet of the oc-
cult doctrine that consciousness at any level must manifest through an
"ideal" point, and as an ideal point can contain an infinite number of
other points, the consciousness of monad, solar logos, and Cosmic
Logos, though operating on different levels, separately and without
interference, are seen as all centered in the Great Point, Mahabindu,
existing eternally in the Absolute.The notion is comparable to the in-
numerable conversations carried over a fiber-optic cable with equal
clarity and lack of interference, all accessible to the cosmic switchboard.
Through the Great Point an infinite number of universes, solar
logoi, and monads are envisaged as continuing to appear eternally,
starting with basic electrons and protons, evolving through various
stages in eons of time to become countless solar logoi in the cosmos,
countless centers of consciousness, all reflections of the Ultimate
Reality. This same Ultimate Reality, differentiated along two separate
lines, is credited with producing, on the one hand, an infinite number
of spiritual monads and, on the other, an infinite variety of material
planes for ensheathing and evolving these monads, the main purpose
for the evolution of forms being to provide more efficient vehicles for
evolving mind and unfolding consciousness.
~ndividualization is posited as taking place by separation of an indi-
vidual unit from a "group SOU^," for without a ray of separate con-
sciousness there can be no separate monad.To separate such a unit of