Absolute, IOO
adepts. See Great White Brotherhood
Adonai Melekh, 160
Agni, Lord of Fire, 56
air element, 112
ajnic chakra ("third eye"), 4-42
ajnic microscope, 41-42
Akasha (mental space), IOI
Akashic Record, 135, 137, 167,182,
alpha particles, 72
Amanita muscaria, 169, 196
Amaringo, Pablo, 202-3
Andritzky, Walter, 202,209-10
angels: archangels and, 138-39, 151 ;
described, 129-33; hierarchy of, 149,
150; Luciferic, 13638; Masonic
lodge, 173; role in Christian
Community, 138; role in Christianity,
169; in the Third Hierarchy, 135, 136.
See also spiritual beings
Angels of Foundation (Yesod), 154
Angels (Graham), 150
animal& 147,148-49
Anthropogenesis (Blavatsky), 31
Anthroposophical Society, 138, 183,
189, 190
archai, 151
archangels, 138-39,151
Archetypal Plant (Goethe), I 17
Arupa, 125
Arupadevas, 125
Aston, E N., 74
astral body, 32-33, 193
astral sight, 32-34> 37
astral world, 32-34! 152
At the Foot ofthe Master (Krishnarnurti),
Athenaeum Club, 4
Atlantean period, 151
atoms: according to theVedc Hindu,
104; built through power of thinking,
216-17; chemical, 70,73-74;
hydrogen, 78-79; investigated
through clairvoyance, 38-40~65~74;
particle physics science on, 69; quarks
within, 67,7678
ayahuasca tea, 19798,203
Ayahuaska Visions (Luna), 202
bacteriology, 36
Bailey, Alice, I 8 I
Banisteriopsis caapi, I97
Barnard, E A.P., 23-24
Bennett, Ronnie, 22
Besant,Annie: on adeptship, 164; on
seeing Morya, 179; siddhi powers
used by, 69-70; studies on "lines of
force" by, 81-82.85-86; asTheosophy
Society member, 31; writes about
theosophists' work, 74
Bey, Serapis, 178
Bey,Tutuit, 178, 18-81
Bible, the, 186,218
"Biggest Fairy Story ofThem All,
The,'' 27
Binah (Understanding), 154, 155, 157
birds, 147
Bittleston, Adam, 138-39, 149
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 29-30, 102,
109, 153, 157, 177-78
Blavatsky Lodge, 2
Bloom, William, 127-28,129
Book of Dzyan, 182
Borobudur shrine, 129
Bose, S. N., 89
bosons, 89
Brahma the creator (Third Logos), 104-5
Briggs, Katherine, 24
British Folklore Society, 20,24
British Society for Psychical Research, 4
Brooksmith, Peter, 27
Brotherhood of Luxor, 178
brownies, 44-45