226 @ The Secret Lfe of Nature
nonrhythmic motion, 104
Nuit (Star Goddess), 120-21
nymphs: sea, 5-52; water spirits as,
Occult Chemistry (Besant and
Leadbeater), 34-35,39,67,71,74,
Occult Chemistry Re-evaluated (Smith), 68
Occult Investkations (Janarajadasa), 175
Occult Science:An Outline (Steiner), 139
Olcott, Henry Steel, 29,30, 177
omegons, 85-86,89
omegon theory, 78
Orpheus, 164
Ouspensky, 218
oxygen atom, 35
Pacho, Don, 200
Pall Mall Gazette, 31
Pan, IIO
Pantanjali, 69
Paracelsus, 11-11, 148
Paradise Lost (Milton), 124
particle physics science, 69
Paul, apostle, 135, 167
Persephone's Quest (Wasson), 169
Phillips, Stephen M.: investigates Occult
Clzembtry findings, 67-70,78-80,
85-87; investigates siddhi ability,
9q7;Tree of Life analysis by, 153-61
photographs: Cottingley fairy, 1-10,
13-15, 187; Shepperton fairy, 2627;
spirit, 16
"Photographs Confounded Conan
Doyle. Cottingley Fairies a Fake,
Woman Says" (Times), 27
physics: Higgs field theory of, 82-85;
limitations of orthodox, 75;"super-
string" theory of, 85-87,96; theoso-
phistic experiments in, 69-74. See also
pingala, 174
planet development, 145-52
plants: devas and, 127-28; group soul of,
147; interwoven with animals,
148-49; nature spirits and, 6344,
11619; orders given to devas of, 146
Platonic solids, 74
Polari de Alverga,Alex, 204, 209, 213
Polidorus Isurenus, 164, 178, 186, 187
post-Atlantean cultures, 163
post-Atlantean evolution, 151
Princess Mary G$ Book, 27
psychometry, 37
"pulse of life," 53
Pychotria viridk 197
Pythagoras, 157, 158, 159, 164
Rand1 the Magician, 23,24
Rawlins, Dennis, 24
Real World ofFairy, The (van Doren),
Regina angelorum, 132
Reich, Wilhelm, 53
reincarnation, 16M7, 190
religion: combining science with,
177-78; Egyptian, 164-66; evolution
of world, 16547
rhythmic motion, 104
Richman, Gary Dale, 204,210
rod, the, 174-75
Roman Church, 166
root spirits, 115
Rosenkreutz, Christian, 167
Rosicrucian, 166
Rupa, 125, 130
Rupadevas, 125
Rutherford, Ernest, 72-73
St. Germain, Comte de (Prince
Rakoczy), 178-79
salamanders (fire spirits), 56, 118-19, 140,
Sanderson, Stewart, 20,24
Santa Maria (marijuana), 212
Santo Daime community (Amsterdam),
Santo Daime Doctrine, 203-4,205, 210
Santo Daime hymns, 208,210,212