912 Les Miserables
See to that. A fine sight it would be, to see a man enter the
‘More often!’
‘More often!’
‘What do you say?’
‘I say more often.’
‘More often than what?’
‘Reverend Mother, I did not say more often than what, I
said more often.’
‘I don’t understand you. Why do you say more often?’
‘In order to speak like you, reverend Mother.’
‘But I did not say ‘more often.’’
At that moment, nine o’clock struck.
‘At nine o’clock in the morning and at all hours, praised
and adored be the most Holy Sacrament of the altar,’ said
the prioress.
‘Amen,’ said Fauchelevent.
The clock struck opportunely. It cut ‘more often’ short.
It is probable, that had it not been for this, the prioress and
Fauchelevent would never have unravelled that skein.
Fauchelevent mopped his forehead.
The prioress indulged in another little inward murmur,
probably sacred, then raised her voice:—
‘In her lifetime, Mother Crucifixion made converts; after
her death, she will perform miracles.’
‘She will!’ replied Father Fauchelevent, falling into step,
and striving not to flinch again.
‘Father Fauvent, the community has been blessed in