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an advocate for probiotics because I have not seen any convincing benefits, despite the convincing theory
behind their use.
After a colonic, the bowel movement will become naturally restored within about two days. If it takes
longer than that, it indicates that the colon has accumulated unduly large amounts of waste over a period
of many years. To soften up and flush out all the waste may require a series of colonics and, of course,
liver flushes and a balanced diet and lifestyle.
Once the colon has been thoroughly cleansed through colonics, nutritional improvements, exercise,
liver and kidney cleanses, and any other health programs will become many times more effective. Since
an estimated 70-80 percent of the immune tissue resides in the intestines, cleansing the colon from
immune-suppressive toxic waste, in addition to removing gallstones from the liver and gallbladder, can
make a crucial difference in the treatment of cancer, heart disease, arthritis, AIDS and other illnesses.

Colema Board®

If no colon therapist is available in your area, you may greatly benefit from using a Colema Board®
(see illustration 17, and Product Information) as a second best choice. The Colema treatment is based on
the same principle as colon-hydrotherapy, although it may not be as effective and thorough. The
advantage is that the Colema Board® allows you to clean your whole colon in the comfort of your own
home. The Colema colon cleanse is a do-it-yourself treatment that is easy to learn and perform.
Another similar method, the “Home-kit Colonic Irrigation,” (see Product Information) is perhaps not
as easy to perform as a Colema treatment, but it is the closest you can get to a professional colonic
irrigation. However, most people find the Colema Board® to be more user friendly, and I tend to agree.

Illustration 17: Colema Board

Colosan Treatment

Colosan (formerly known as ColoZone) is a proprietary blend of various oxides of magnesium
designed to gently release oxygen in the digestive tract for cleansing. Please note that there are other
brands of magnesium oxides available that have similar effects, including Oxy-Powder®, Homozon and
Oxy-Cleanse®, and Aerobic Mag 07. Some are easier to take than others, but they all work pretty much
the same. The preferred method of use is in capsule form.
In my practice I have found Colosan (or similar) to be a very useful product to counteract the following

  • Build-up of undigested material in the intestines and colon

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