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purpose. Colosan is available from “The Family News” in the United States (see Product Information at
the end of the book) and many online health stores.
Note: The products Oxy-Powder®, Oxy-Cleanse®, or similar, have about the same beneficial effects
as Colosan, and may be used instead. Prices for each product vary.

The Salt Water Flush

If you wish to cleanse the intestinal tract just for one day, you may take an oral salt-water enema upon
arising. To do this cleanse, add 2 level teaspoons of non-iodized, unrefined, unprocessed sea salt to a
quart (32 ounces) of lukewarm water. Shake well and drink the entire quart. You get used to the taste as
you continue drinking it. Important note: Make sure you use only non-iodized, unprocessed sea salt;
regular or iodized sea or table salt will make you feel sick and have harmful side effects.
If you cannot find natural sea salt at your local health food store, you can order it through the Internet.
An equally good product is mineral or rock salt, which has a grayish-white color. You can perform this
cleanse when you feel congested from having eaten something you know is causing you harm. However,
do not follow this procedure more often than once per week. An added benefit here is that there are
usually no cramps or discomfort accompanying the salt-water cleanse. However, this cleanse doesn’t
work for everyone. Those with very congested colons may not find much relief, and those sensitive to
water retention may find that their hands and feet become tight and hold on to water.

Epsom Salts

Another method of intestinal cleansing uses Epsom salts. Epsom salts not only cleanse the colon, but
also the small intestine. This may become necessary if you have major difficulties absorbing food,
repeated kidney/bladder congestion, severe constipation, or are simply unable to have a colonic or
Colema. For one week, mix one teaspoon of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) with one glass of warm
water and drink first thing in the morning. This oral enema flushes your entire digestive tract and colon,
from top to bottom, usually within an hour, prompting you to eliminate several times. It clears out
plaque and debris from the walls, along with parasites that may have been living there. Anticipate the
stools to be watery for as long as there is intestinal waste to be disposed of. Stools adopt a more normal
shape and consistency once the entire intestinal tract is clean.
This treatment can be done twice a year. In the beginning, and whenever the intestines release some
major pockets of waste and toxins, you can expect gas, bloating and even some cramping. Your tongue
may become covered white and be thicker than normal. This indicates increased intestinal cleansing. If
you are allergic to Epsom salts or just cannot tolerate this product, you may use Magnesium Citrate,
Colosan, Oxy-Powder® or similar methods of cleansing instead.
Some practitioners have raised the concern that Epsom salts may be harmful to the kidneys and affect
blood pressure. In 35 years of working with Epsom salts, I have not seen such side effects, but only
benefits. However, Epsom salts, unlike magnesium oxides, have laxative properties, which means they
should not be overused. If you are taking prescribed drugs, although there are only relatively few known
reactions to medication, it is best to use other methods of intestinal cleansing. Do not use magnesium
sulfate as a laxative if you have stomach (abdominal) pain, nausea, or vomiting, unless directed by a

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