
(avery) #1

The first three types of enemas can be used to balance Vata and the fourth can improve digestion and liver

  1. Oil enema: Half a cup of warm sesame oil for above problems and chronic constipation once or
    twice a week. Perform the enema while lying on your back with your legs elevated. Hold the oil in your
    intestine as long as possible, ideally for 30 minutes or longer; turning to your right side may help make
    this easier. Note: Those with diabetes, obesity, indigestion, low AGNI, and enlarged spleen should avoid
    oil enemas and opt for the second type enema.

  2. Decoction or water enema: Up to half a liter (16 ounces) of Lapacho, comfrey or chaparral tea, or
    one liter of plain water, at room temperature. These types of enema are indicated for acute constipation
    and above problems, but should not be taken more often than once or twice a week. Note: Avoid if you
    suffer from debility, hemorrhoids, inflammation of anus, diarrhea, or if pregnant. If you are diabetic,
    consult your physician. The effects increase if an enema type 2 is followed by an enema type 1. Patients
    who are lying in bed and are constipated can take enemas type 1 and 2 alternately.

  3. Coffee enema: The main purpose of the coffee enema is that of lowering serum (blood) toxins. The
    coffee stimulates the visceral nervous system, promoting peristalsis and the transit of toxic bile from the
    duodenum out the rectum. This enema is indicated when you feel very sluggish and tired, particularly
    when you have pain in your middle/upper back, which are all indications of a toxic liver. The effect is
    often immediate. Place three heaped tablespoons of ground organic coffee (not instant coffee) into 16
    ounces (two glasses) of boiling water. Boil for three minutes and let simmer (on a low flame) for 15
    minutes. Filter through a coffee filter or cotton cloth. Make sure that no coffee substance is left at the
    bottom. Let it cool to body temperature and perform the enema while lying on your back with your legs
    elevated. Ideally, retain the coffee solution for 15 minutes, then release; turning to your right side may
    help make this easier. This enema can be taken if time or circumstances (such as feeling ill) don’t permit a
    person to do the liver cleanse. When seriously ill with cancer, liver or heart disease, it can be taken more
    frequently, as often as every other day.

  4. Urine Enema: If you suffer from persistent skin conditions, such as acne, a series of urine enemas
    can help you restore skin health within a matter of a few weeks. Collect your urine starting in the morning
    (use mid-stream only) until you have a jar of one to two liters. Administer the enemas in the late afternoon
    before eating. You may want to add a little amount of hot water to the urine to warm it up. Once you
    remove the nozzle, you may lie on your back, gently lift your knees up towards your chin, and if possible,
    move into the yoga posture “shoulder stand” for one minute. Continue lying on your back with your knees
    up for five more minutes and then gently roll over to your right side for about 10 minutes. The most
    important thing with regard to this enema is to keep the urine in the colon for as long as possible. If you
    feel strong discomfort, though, release it. While you are in the process of releasing the urine and waste,
    you may gently massage the abdomen with or without oil (ideally sesame or coconut oil) in a clockwise
    direction. For serious illnesses, use the following protocol for about five weeks:
    1st week – one enema per day, late afternoon
    2nd week – one enema every 2nd day, late afternoon
    3rd week – one enema every 3rd day, late afternoon
    4th week – one enema every 3rd day, late afternoon
    5th week – one enema every 3rd day, late afternoon

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