
(avery) #1

Summary Of The Technique To Stop Smoking:

  1. Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, repeat to yourself: “I want to smoke now.” This will bring
    your desire to smoke from your subconscious into your conscious mind and allow you enough time to
    make the conscious choice of whether to smoke or not to smoke. Drinking half a glass of water also
    brings the desire into your conscious mind.

  2. Then say to yourself: “I have the free choice to smoke now.” If you do not remind yourself of
    your inherent freedom of making choices, your subconscious, addicted mind may believe that you can’t
    smoke anymore and may go into a state of rebellion. This may cause withdrawal symptoms.

  3. If you feel a desperate need to smoke, acknowledge your desire by saying: “I choose to begin
    smoking again.” Before you reach for a cigarette check whether this is what you really want. Or you may
    repeat to yourself: “For the moment I accept that I want to smoke, but I choose not to at this time.”
    Think about how you would feel if you stopped smoking altogether.

Follow this simple sequence every time you have the desire to smoke. The technique is fool proof
because you cannot go wrong, whatever the outcome. Whether you decide to continue smoking or not,
you have begun to become “aware” and exercised your free will—a prerequisite to consciously taking
charge of your life. The majority of people who follow this simple program give up smoking within one
week, others take a little longer. How long it takes to quit is not important. What is important, though, is
that you experience a major positive shift in your thinking and in your attitude towards yourself and
All the research studies that show that smoking is a hazard to your health have missed the point.
Instead of condemning people who smoke we should show them ways to learn from this addictive habit as
we can learn from any other problem in life.
This technique works equally well for any other addiction, including coffee, alcohol, drugs, sleeping
pills, sugar, salt, sex, and even work. I suggest that you read this section as often as it takes to familiarize
yourself with the major points, or at least once a week.

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I have listed just a few examples out of hundreds of foods which all have some amazing healing
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