
(avery) #1

Sage Oil—A Memory Booster

In the 17th century, noted herbalist Nicholas Culpepper wrote that the herb sage could “heal” the
memory, while, “warming and quickening the senses.” Sage has always had that reputation, but no one
knew why. Researchers from the Medical Plant Research Centre (MPRC) at the Universities of Newcastle
and North Umbria in the U.K. have possibly uncovered sage’s ancient secret. An enzyme called acetyl
cholinesterase (AChE) breaks down a chemical called acetylcholine that is typically deficient in
Alzheimer's patients. According to a 2003 study at MPRC, sage inhibits AChE. Researchers gave 44
subjects either sage oil capsules or placebo capsules containing sunflower oil, and then conducted word
recall tests. The group that received sage oil turned in significantly better test results than subjects that
took the placebo.
Sage can be found in health food stores and from many Internet sites. There are no known side effects.

Guarana—An Energy Booster

There is yet another South American plant that has very unusual and beneficial health-promoting
properties. The plant is known as paullinia cupana, and its seeds as Guarana. Like Lapacho (Pau d’Arco),
Guarana can be found in most health food stores
Guarana is regarded as a natural elixir or energy booster. Often, the Amazonian Indians would eat only
Guarana when they went into the jungle. They would grind the seeds, mix them with water, and drink the
concoction. This alone would sustain them on their long treks. They also used Guarana to combat fever,
headaches and pain.
Research has shown that Guarana gently stimulates the adrenal system to combat fatigue without
producing the harmful adrenaline shots. The large amount of bulk prevents its natural caffeine from being
released in bursts, as is the case with coffee or black tea. The gradual release of caffeine makes much
energy available to the body without depleting the body’s own energy resources. Guarana soothes the
nervous system and is, therefore, useful for stress related conditions including anxiety and depression. It
has become highly valued as a tonic herb, improving both concentration and physical stamina. Many
professional sportsmen and gymnasts use it regularly. Recommended uses are:

  • When you need an energy boost (take it instead of coffee which can exhaust the nervous system)

  • As a general tonic and stress reliever

  • For those who live an active lifestyle or have a demanding day ahead

  • During periods of hard work, either mental or physical

  • As a gentle stimulant and to remove fatigue

  • When recovering from an illness or feeling weak

  • To slow or reverse signs of aging

  • To help relieve headaches and migraine

  • As a natural diuretic, to rid the body of excess fluid

  • To relieve menstrual pain^18

(^18) There are other herbs that have shown great benefit for relieving menstrual pain: Chinese angelica root, Szechuan lovage
root, red peony root, white peony root, Chinese motherwort, and cinnamon bark. In one trial, 53 percent of the women who
took these Chinese herbs had less pain, compared with 26 percent in the placebo group. The herbs were more effective than
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), oral contraceptive pills, acupuncture, heat compressions, placebos, or no
treatment at all.

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