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Detoxified Iodine— For Thyroid Disorders And Other Conditions

Detoxified Iodine can end a stubborn bladder infection, dissolve ovarian cysts and excessive
cholesterol, and even flatten hemorrhoids when mixed with a vegetable oil and applied topically before
bedtime. It can be used for nail fungus, too. For resistant infections, prostate cancer and other estrogen-
caused illnesses, use 10 drops of detoxified iodine three times daily, for four to six weeks.
A few drops of detoxified iodine added to germ-infested water a few minutes before drinking it makes
it safe to drink. To avoid getting sick after a long airline-flight, drink some water mixed with a few drops
of iodine. The iodine travels quickly to the ears, nose and sinuses, thereby zapping hoards of bacteria and
viruses circulating in the cabin air. Other applications include removal of toenail fungus, reduced
flatulence and zapping of new acne.
A note on thyroid disease/goiter: About 96 percent of goiters are caused by an iodine deficiency. If
you medicate with regular iodine, it should best be done under careful supervision because, if overused,
iodine can lead to hypothyroidism (see below). However, eating iodine-rich foods, such as dulse and kelp
(sea vegetation), is a more indirect and safe way to increase iodine and shrink goiters. Detoxified iodine is
certainly a better choice, since it has not shown to produce hypothyroidism.
The famous Edgar Cayce used to treat goiter and other thyroid conditions very successfully by giving
his patients detoxified iodine. There are three products that meet his requirements; Magnascent, Atomic
Iodine, and Atomidine (see Product Information). The latter two seem to be nearly identical. Magnascent
has shown some excellent results with hypothyroidism, menopausal symptoms, cancer, arthritis, and other
While treating the thyroid, it is important to remove any congestion from blood vessel walls and
lymphatic vessels, which are major reasons behind the poor nutrient supply (including iodine) and waste
drainage from the neck area and thyroid gland. Trapped lymphatic waste, consisting of metabolic waste
products and dead cells, causes nodule formation and general thickening of the tissues there. This requires
an overhaul of the digestive system, including the removal of all bile stones from the bile ducts of the
liver, (see also The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush) cleansing of the colon, and changing one's
diet/lifestyle according to body type requirements.
And yes, it is essential to avoid all dairy foods (except unsalted butter), meat and especially foods that
contain soy (hundreds of processed foods contain soy).
Caution: Although lack of iodine can cause thyroid disease, iodine can also suppress thyroid function
when taken for long periods of time, such as several months or years. If you suffer from a thyroid
condition, you need to take special care in monitoring thyroid function while using this treatment. I
recommend that you consult with your doctor or a naturopathic healthcare professional before using any
of the above products. Although very few people are allergic to iodine, those who are should avoid it in
any form.

Green Tea—A Tea For Life

For more than 30 years, Western researchers have known that the occurrence of solid tumor cancers is
far less in countries where populations consume large amounts of green tea. Cultures that are endowed
with a long tea tradition have much to contribute to individual and global health. However, this applies
only to green tea. Regular black tea, presently very popular almost everywhere, has not much to do with

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