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Ionized water also contains hydroxyl ions. These are oxygen molecules with an extra electron attached
to them, as are such antioxidants vitamins A, C and E. You can see these molecules in the form of
thousands of tiny bubbles when you slow down the water flow on the water ionizer. Hydroxyl ions
scavenge free oxygen radicals and provide us with extra oxygen and energy. Oxygen carries away acid
waste from body tissue. It inhibits cancer cells and protects us against bacteria and viruses invading the
body. Oxygen is the body’s most essential nutrient.
Ionized water also helps balance the body's pH which tends to become acidic when on a diet comprised
of processed, refined and preserved foods. Besides meat and highly acid-forming foods, medical drugs
and soft drinks contain the most acidifying substances you can consume. Because it is alkaline, ionized
water can help dissolve accumulated acid waste and protect the body against acidity-related illness (most
diseases are a form of acidosis).
The human body consists mostly of water. Ionized water is fundamentally different from conventional
water. In ionized water, the size and shape of the water molecule cluster is smaller, which allows it to pass
through intestinal walls, blood capillary walls, and cell walls more easily and remove toxins and acidic
waste matter more effectively. This makes ionized water an excellent detoxifier. Water ionizers have
several levels of strength. Accordingly, people who have accumulated a lot of toxins in the body may
begin by drinking mild ionized water and gradually increase ionization levels as they get used to it.
Besides its health benefits, ionized water also improves the taste of foods and beverages. It also ionizes
the minerals in the food, which helps make them more biologically available.
One of the primary causes of disease is chronic cellular dehydration, a condition which leaves the
body's cells in a perpetual state of weakness and defense. Ionized water is up to six times more hydrating
than conventional water. In other words, by drinking less or the same amount of water but in ionized
form, you will actually hydrate your cells much more effectively. (The hot ionized water described earlier
is used to remove toxins from the tissues and therefore rarely hydrates cells directly. However, once the
toxins are removed, the cells become more efficiently hydrated than before).
The water ionizers separate alkaline water from acid water. The alkaline water is good for drinking and
the acid water is good for external applications. When applied topically, the ionized acid water tightens
skin, and helps remove wrinkles, acne and other blemishes. At its strongest level, ionized acid water kills
most harmful bacteria on contact. It improves hair and skin conditions of any kind, including removal of
fungus, healing of cuts, scrapes, and even serious wounds. It takes the itch out of mosquito bites, and the
sting out of other insect bites. Lastly, ionized acid water promotes substantially healthier plant growth.
Jupiter has by far the largest selection of reliable water ionizers. To find a suitable one, search the Internet
or see Product Information.

Body Odor? A Good Reason Not To Use Deodorants

Most people are not aware of why they perspire. Antiperspirants and perfumes have become so much a
part of our lives that we rarely think about why we need them or whether we really need them. It may
even be more important to find out if they can be harmful to us.
Deodorants and antiperspirants were invented because more and more people began to perspire
excessively and develop body odor. It now appears to be the normal thing to do to give the underarms a
spray in the morning and forget about this “smelly nuisance” for the rest of the day. But sweating is not a
nuisance; it is the body’s natural way of ridding itself of certain waste products and keeping itself cool.
Like the bowels, liver, urinary system and lungs, our sweat glands are also meant to help keep the body
clean. Why else would we have them?

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