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causing factors. Apart from the topics already discussed, the main requirements for healing cancer and
most other serious and minor illnesses are as follows:

  1. Neutralize the toxins and poisons that weaken the immune system and feed pathogens.

  2. Strengthen the immune system to remove all pathogens and keep them at bay.

  3. Remove all harmful parasites, viruses, bacteria, fungi, molds, yeast and eliminate them from
    the body

To be successful, all these activities need to occur at the same time.
The product Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) is a stabilized oxygen solution of 28% sodium
chlorite (not “chloride”) in distilled water. When a small amount of lemon juice or citric acid solution is
added to a few drops of MMS, chlorine dioxide is created. When ingested in this form, the chlorine
dioxide instantly oxidizes harmful substances, parasites, bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungi, and molds, etc.
within a matter of hours, while boosting the immune system by at least ten times. By doing so, MMS has
shown to remove, for example, any strands of the malaria and HIV viruses from the blood within less than
24 hours in nearly every person tested. MMS has also been successfully used for any other serious illness,
including Hepatitis A, B & C, Typhoid, most cancers, herpes, pneumonia, food poisoning, tuberculosis,
asthma, influenza (for more details on MMS see Chapter 7 and Product Information).
Prevention is better than cure. This old saying applies to cancer as well. Whatever can prevent cancer
can also cure it. The approaches and insights described in this book address the causes of nearly all
illnesses, including cancer.
If you have cancer or wish to prevent it, make certain to avoid the following things: Chlorinated
water; fluoridated water; pesticides and other chemical toxins as found in non-organic foods, commercial
beauty products, chemical hair dyes, chemical shampoos and skin lotions; unnatural make-up products;
artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame and Splenda; exposure to ionizing radiation (X-rays,
mammograms, etc.); alcohol; cigarettes; sunscreens; microwave ovens; pharmaceutical drugs. (Almost all
drugs are toxic for the body and can contribute to or directly cause cancer.)

The Early Puberty And Breast Cancer Link

Girls in the United States and other modern countries are reaching puberty at very early ages, which
has been shown to increase their risk of breast cancer. Just decades ago, biological signs of female
puberty—menstruation, breast development, and growth of pubic and underarm hair—typically occurred
around 13 years of age or older. Today, girls as young as 8 are increasingly showing these signs.
Apparently, African-American girls are particularly vulnerable to early puberty. Even 5- and 6-year-olds
now go through precocious puberty (aka early sexual development). Early puberty exposes girls to more
estrogen—a major risk of hormone–related breast cancers. According to data published by biologist
Sandra Steingraber, girls that get their first period before age 12 have a 50 percent higher risk of
developing breast cancer than those who get it at age 16. “For every year we could delay a girl's first
menstrual period,” she says, “we could prevent thousands of breast cancers.”
Potential causes for this trend include rising childhood obesity rates and inactivity, cows milk- and
soy-infant-formula foods, bovine growth hormones commonly added to milk, hormones and antibiotics in
flesh, non-fermented soy products such as soy milk and tofu (they mimic estrogens), bisphenol A and
phthalates (found in many plastics such as baby containers, water bottles and the inner lining of soda
cans), other man-made chemicals that affect hormonal balance (as found in cosmetics, toothpastes,
shampoos and hair dyes), stress at home and at school, excessive TV viewing and media use, and more.

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