Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

V. Learning Theories 17. Rotter and Mischel:
Cognitive Social Learning

(^524) © The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2009
personality theory deals with broad predictions of human behavior. For example, a
person with strong needs for dominance will usually try to gain the power position
in most interpersonal relationships as well as in a variety of other situations. In spe-
cific situations, however, a dominant person may behave in a nondominant or even
submissive fashion. The basic prediction formula permits specific predictions, with
the assumption, of course, that all relevant information is at hand. It is the more ap-
propriate formula for controlled laboratory experiments but is inadequate in predict-
ing everyday behaviors. For this reason, Rotter introduced the concept of needs and
their accompanying general prediction formula.
Categories of Needs
Rotter and Hochreich (1975) listed six broad categories of needs, with each category
representing a group of functionally related behaviors: that is, behaviors that lead to
the same or similar reinforcements. For example, people can meet their recognition
needs in a variety of situations and by many different people. Therefore, they can re-
ceive reinforcement for a group of functionally related behaviors, all of which sat-
isfy their need for recognition. The following list is not exhaustive, but it represents
most of the important human needs.
Recognition-Status The need to be recognized by others and to achieve status in
their eyes is a powerful need for most people. Recognition-status includes the need
to excel in those things that a person regards as important: for example, school,
sports, occupation, hobbies, and physical appearance. It also includes the need for
socioeconomic status and personal prestige. Playing a good game of bridge is an ex-
ample of the need for recognition-status.
Dominance The need to control the behavior of others is called dominance. This
need includes any set of behaviors directed at gaining power over the lives of friends,
family, colleagues, superiors, and subordinates. Talking colleagues into accepting
your ideas is a specific example of dominance.
Independence Independence is the need to be free of the domination of others. It
includes those behaviors aimed at gaining the freedom to make decisions, to rely on
oneself, and to attain goals without the help of others. Declining help in repairing a
bicycle could demonstrate the need for independence.
Protection-Dependency A set of needs nearly opposite independence are those of
protection and dependency. This category includes the needs to be cared for by oth-
ers, to be protected from frustration and harm, and to satisfy the other need cate-
gories. A specific example of protection-dependency is asking your spouse to stay
home from work and take care of you when you are ill.
Love and Affection Most people have strong needs for love and affection: that is,
needs for acceptance by others that go beyond recognition and status to include some
indications that other people have warm, positive feelings for them. The needs for
love and affection include those behaviors aimed toward securing friendly regard,
518 Part V Learning Theories

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