Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

(^628) Back Matter Subject Index © The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2009
S-2 Subject Index
persona, 106–107
self as, 111–114
shadow, 107
wise old man, 110
of women, 109
The Art of Loving(Fromm), 190, 193
assessment procedures, 13
assimilation, 198
Association for Advancement
of Psychoanalysis
(AAP), 165
Attachment and Loss(Bowlby), 153
attachment theory
adult relationships and, 156–158
of Bowlby, 152–153
attention, 481–482
selective in-, 221
attitudes, 115–117
Taoistic, 297
authoritarianism, 196–197
autistic language, 226
autonomy, 292
functional, 385–388
shame and doubt v., 253
awards and honors
of Adler, 67
of Allport, 377
of Bandura, 480
of Eysenck, 404
of Freud, 23
of Kelly, 550
of Maslow, 279
of May, 335
of Mischel, 531
of Rogers, 312
of Rotter, 512
of Skinner, 445
of Sullivan, 215
denial of positive experiences, 317
levels of, 316–317
bad breast, 140–141, 222
bad-mother, good-mother, 222
Bandura’s social cognitive theory.
Seesocial cognitive
theory, of Bandura
BAS. SeeBehavioral Activation
basic anxiety, 167–169, 171f
of Maslow, 281
basic conflict, 171
basic hostility, 167–169, 171f
basic strength, 249
basic tendencies, of personality,
behavior. See alsocomplex behavior,
of human organism;
dysfunctional behavior;
general behaviors,
predicting; specific
behaviors, predicting
control, 463–466
determinants of, 12
disregarding or distorting
consequences of,
dysfunctional, 498–501
expressive and coping, 286
hierarchy of, organization,
408–409, 409f
inappropriate, 466–467
maladaptive, 525–526
personality and, 416–417
potential, 513–514
predicting specific,
prediction, 534
redefining, 497
unconscious, 462–463
unmotivated, 286
The Behavior of Organisms
(Skinner), 443
Behavioral Activation Scale
(BAS), 471
behavioral analysis, of Skinner,
biography, 442–445
concept of humanity,
conditioning, 448–457
critique of, 472–473
human organism, 457–466
overview, 441–442
precursors to, 445–446
psychotherapy, 467
related research, 467–472
scientific, 446–448
unhealthy personality,
behavioral production, 482
behavioral signature of
personality, 534
behaviorism, 441
radical, 441
scientific, 446–448
being-in-the-world, 347
beliefs, 537–538
Bell Object Relations Inventory
(BORI), 158
belongingness, 280–282
Beyond Freedom and Dignity
(Skinner), 445
Beyond the Pleasure Principle
(Freud, S.), 33
big dreams, 104, 125
Big Five. SeeFive-Factor Model, of
McCrae and Costa
of Adler, 66–69
of Allport, 376–377
of Bandura, 479–480
of Costa, 418–420
of Erikson, 244–246
of Eysenck, 402–404
of Freud, 18–23
of Fromm, 188–190
of Horney, 164–165
of Jung, 99–103
of Kelly, 549–550
of Klein, 137–138
of Maslow, 276–279
of May, 343–346
of McCrae, 418–420
of Mischel, 529–531
objective, 426–427
of Rogers, 310–312
of Rotter, 511–512
of Skinner, 442–445
of Sullivan, 214–217
biological v. social influences, on
personality, 12
Allport’s psychology of the
individual, 398
Bandura’s social cognitive
theory, 507
Erikson’s psychosocial
stages, 271
Fromm’s humanistic
psychoanalysis, 210

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