Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

(^640) Back Matter Subject Index © The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2009
S-14 Subject Index
characteristics of, 447–448
Freud and, 59–61
philosophy of, 447
psychology of, 7–8
Rogers’ philosophy of,
theory relationship with, 6
Science and Human Behavior
(Skinner), 445
scientific behaviorism, 446–448
scientific theory, 4–5
scientist, 551
SDS. SeeSelf-Directed Search
secondary dispositions, 382
secondary narcissism, 32
secondary process, 29
security operations, 221
selective activation, 496
selective inattention, 221
as archetype, 111–114
extension of sense of, 380
ideal, 316
organismic, 315
person-centered theory on,
-regard, 317
relating to others, 380
relationship with, 348
self-acceptance, 380
self-accusation, 82
characteristics of, 291–296
love, sex and, 296
of Maslow’s holistic-dynamic
theory, 288–296
measuring, 297–299
needs, 283–284
person-centered theory on,
Self-Analysis(Quinn), 164
of Fromm’s humanistic
psychoanalysis, 210
of Skinner, 459–460
self-concept, 315–316, 426
smoking and, 568–569
self-control, 465–466
Self-Directed Search (SDS), 90
self-discrepancy theory, 333–335
self-efficacy, 479, 487–492
diabetes and, 503–505
emotional states, 491–492
physical states, 491–492
research on, 502–503
social modeling, 490
social persuasion, 490–491
vicarious experiences, 490
self-hatred, 175, 177–178
self-image, 175
selfobjects, 151
self-observation, 494–495
self-reaction, 495–496
self-realization, 113, 114, 123
self-regulating strategies, 536–537
self-regulation, 493–498
external factors of, 494
internal factors of, 494–496
through moral agency,
self-system, 221–222
sensation, 119
Sense and Nonsense in Psychology
(Eysenck), 404
sensing, 119
sensuality, 262
separation anxiety, 153
separation-individuation, 150
sex, 32
as form of love, 355
Sex, Violence and the Media
(Eysenck & Nias), 404
shadow, 107
shame, 253
shaping, 450–452
The Shaping of a Behaviorist
(Skinner), 445
similarity, 210. See alsouniqueness
v. similarities
among events, 554
in Horney’s psychoanalytic
social theory, 183–184
simplicity, 281
Sixteen Personality Factors
Questionnaire, 405
Skinnerian conditioning. See
operant conditioning
Skinner’s behavioral analysis. See
behavioral analysis, of
smoking, and self-concept, 568–569
Smoking, Personality, and Stress
(Eysenck), 404
social behavior, 463
social cognitive theory, of Bandura,
biography, 479–480
concept of humanity, 506–507
critique, 505–506
dysfunctional behavior, 498–501
human agency, 486–493
learning, 480–483
overview of, 478–479
research on, 502–505
self-regulation, 493–498
therapy, 501–502
triadic reciprocal causation,
social control, 464–465
social factors, 96
social influence, 240
social interest, 75–76
importance of, 77–78
origins of, 76–77
Social Learning and Clinical
Psychology(Rotter), 512
social modeling, 490
social persuasion, 490–491
sociality construct, 560
socialization, 198
somnolent detachment, 226
specific behaviors, predicting,
basic formula for, 516–517
behavior potential, 513–514
expectancy, 514
psychological situations, 516
reinforcement value, 514–516
speculation, 6
splitting, 144
spontaneity, 291
stability, 411
stages of development, of Sullivan,
adulthood, 232–233
childhood, 227–228, 233t
early adolescence, 230–232
infancy, 226–227
juvenile era, 228–229
late adolescence, 231–232
preadolescence, 229–230
summary, 233t

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