Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

(^642) Back Matter Subject Index © The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2009
S-16 Subject Index
uniqueness v. similarities—Cont.
Erikson’s psychosocial
development stages, 271
Eysenck, Costa, & McCrae trait
and factor theories, 436
Freud’s psychoanalysis on, 62
Kelly’s personal construct
theory, 572
Klein’s object relations
theory, 160
Maslow’s holistic-dynamic
theory, 305
Rotter and Mischel’s cognitive
social learning theory, 545
Skinner’s behavioral analysis, 474
Sullivan’s interpersonal
theory, 239
unmotivated behavior, 286
Upon Further Reflection
(Skinner), 445
Uses and Abuses of Psychology
(Eysenck), 404
validity, 13
values, 538
B-, of self-actualizers, 289, 290f
variable-interval schedule, 456
variable-ratio schedules, 455
vicarious experiences, 490
victims, dehumanizing or
blaming, 498
vulnerability, 319
Walden Two(Skinner), 442,
445, 454
A Way of Looking at Things
(Shlein), 246
well-being, estrangement from,
will, 354–355
of Erikson’s, 253–254
wisdom, 263
wise old man, 110
withdrawal, 82–83, 169
Wizard of Oz(Baum), 110
Freud’s understanding of,
masculine archetype
in, 109
Word and Image(Jung), 127
word association test, 124
yang, 113f
yin, 113f
You and Neurosis(Eysenck), 404
young adulthood, of Erikson’s
development stages,
Young Man Luther(Erikson), 246
youth, 121, 246

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