(sharon) #1

Direct Current and Transient Analysis 221

FIGURE 2.132
Network of P.2.40.

V = 12 V

Switch moves down at t = 0


R = 2 Ω

R 1 = 6 Ω L = 9 H

R 2 = 3 Ω

L 2 = 5 H

i 1 (t) i 2 (t)

P.2.41 Steady-state conditions exist for t ≤ 0 in the circuit shown in Figure 2.133 (while
the voltage source is connected to the circuit). At t = 0 +, the switch moves upward
disconnecting the source. Obtain expressions and the respective time plots for each
transient loop current.
P.2.42 Steady-state conditions exist for t ≤ 0 in the circuit of Figure 2.134 (while the volt-
age source is connected to the circuit). At t = 0 +, the switch moves downward

FIGURE 2.133
Network of P.2.41.

V = 16 V


C 2 = 1/6 F

R = 4 Ω

R 1 = 7 Ω

R 4 = 5 Ω R 3 = 2 Ω R 2 = 3 Ω

Switch opens at t = 0
C 1 = 1/3 F
I 1 I 2 I 3

FIGURE 2.134
Network of P.2.42.

V = 16 V

Switch moves down at t = 0

R 2 = 6 Ω

R 1 = 3 Ω

R = 4 Ω


C 1 = 1/3 F

= 2 H
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