646 Practical MATLAB® Applications for Engineers
The Butterworth LPF satisfying the given specs is shown in Figure 6.71.
% frequency plots for the network of Figure 6.71
L01=15e-3;L02=5e-3; C0=1.33e-6;
den=[L01*L02 L01*C0 L01+L02 1];w = -155000: 250 : 155000;
hnn = freqs(num,den,w);
gain = 20 * log10 (abs (hnn));
f = w./(2 * pi);
subplot (2,1,1)
plot (f, gain)
ylabel (‘Gain in db’)
title (‘Magnitude of [H(f)] vs. f’)
subplot (2,1,2)
plot ( f,angle(hnn).*180/ pi)
xlabel (‘ f in Hertz ’)
ylabel ( ‘ Angle in degrees’)
title (‘ Phase of [H(f)] vs. f ’);
Example 6.18
Create the script fi le IIR-yul that returns the magnitude and phase plots of IIR nor-
malized LP digital fi lter of orders 4, 6, 8, and 10 using the function yulewalk with the
magnitude–frequency specs given by the following MATLAB vectors:
f = [0:0.1:1.0]
mag = [1 1 1 .707 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
Elements of normalized LPF of Example 6.17.
1.5 H
1.33 F
0.5 H
1 Ω
Vi(s) Vo(s)
L 1
L 2
Scaled elements of the Butterworth LPF of Example 6.17.
15 mH
1.33 μF
5 mH
100 Ω
Vi(s) Vo(s)
L 1
C 0
L 2
R 0