Analog and Digital Filters 665
- Desire pass-band magnitude: 1
- Desire stop-band magnitude: 0
P.6.25 Design an FIR LPF and obtain magnitude and phase plots of the transfer function
using the following window types:
Kaiser (β = 3.3)
Tria ng ular
with the following fi lter’s specs: - wp = 0.2π
- ws = 0.5π
- wc = 0.35π, [where (wp + ws)/2 = wc]
- Rs = 60 dB
P.6.26 Transform the analog fi lters shown in Figure 6.86 into digital fi lters using the
impulse invariance method with Ts = 0.5 s.
Note: A convenient way to perform the transformation is to decompose the gain
function into fi rst-order partial fraction expansion blocks.
Obtain plots of the gain response and pole/zero of the resultant digital fi lter and
discuss its stability.
P.6.27 Determine the transfer function and obtain plots of the gain (magnitude and
phase) and the pole–zero of an FIR BPF of order 35 with pass band from 0.4 to
0.6 rad and a stop band from 0 to 0.2 and from 0.8 to 1.0 rad. Use the remez function
(Parks–McClellan Algorithm) and represent the stop- and pass band with 1 and 0,