(sharon) #1

Index ................................................................................................................................


AC (alternating current). See Alternating
current (AC) analysis
Acceleration, 105
Active fi lter
features of, 563, 569
transfer function, 573, 620–622
Active power, 242–244
Admittance G, 235
Cooley-Tukey, 498
fft, 498
Goertzel, 499
Parks-McClellan, 595
prime factor, 498
remez exchange, 595
Yu le -Wa l ker, 58 4
Aliasing, 586
All-pole-prototype LPF, 571
Alternating current (AC) analysis
application problems, 310–317
balance system, 263–264
circuits, types of, 234–246, 252–254, 256
connections, 260
defi ned, 102
DC circuits and, 224
examples, 267–309
frequency, 245–246
generators, 261–267
loop equations, 248–250
measurements, 230
mesh equation, 248–250
node equation, 251–252
power, 231–232, 242–244, 259–260
resistors, 230–231
sinusoid function, 224, 230
source transformation, 253–255
superposition principle, 257–259
terminology, 223–224
types of signals, 226–228
wave model, 224
Alternating waveforms, 223
AM signals
bandwidth, 22
features of, 21
time domain representations, 22
AM spectrum, 443–447

Ammeter, 106
Ampere, Andres Maria, 101
Ampere units, as unit measure, 101, 106
Amplifi cation, 569
even function, 75–76
fi lter transfer function, 590
Fourier transform, 321
implications of, 5, 563, 583
impulse function, 71
Laplace transform, 338
odd function, 75–76
scaled step sequence, 11
shifting, continuous time signal, 25
spectrum, 327
step function, 71
transformation, 23
Amplitude shift keying (ASK)
signals, 21, 87–88
Amps, as unit measure, 102
Analog fi lters
digital computers distinguished from, 570
features of, 569–570, 586
frequencies, 583–585
low-pass, 622–624
LP normalized prototype, 584
RC-LPF, 658–660
stable, 584
synthesis process, 599
transfer function, 586, 596
transformation, complex, 585
see also Active fi lters; Passive fi lters
Analog FT, 457
Analog function
defi ned, 16
impulse, 68
pulse, 12
Analog signals
conversion to discrete, 3
defi ned, 2–3
examples of, 9
exponential, 14, 64
reconstruction from discrete sequence, 44
Analog step function, 12, 68
Analog-to-digital converters/encoders, 3, 570
Analog unit
parabolic function, 14
ramp function, 12–13

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