(sharon) #1
686 Index


Vacuum, 110
Value theorems, 321, 349
Van Hann window, 47
Ve c t or
frequency, 339
frequency magnitude, 642–643, 646–649
mag, 595
1-D, 54
polynomials, 40
Video signals, 2, 56
Volta, Count Alexander, 102
Volt ag e
circuit elements, 103
constant, 115
defi ned, 102
divider rule, 112, 136–137, 225
impact of, 106
laws, 102
multiple-phase generator system, 261
nodal, 117
open circuit, 252
parallel RLC, 248
polyphase generator system, 263–264, 267
sinusoidal, 261
source, 119, 355, 357
Thevenin, 119
three-phase generator system, 262–263
Voltaic cell, 102
Volt m e t e r, 10 6, 2 27
Volts, 102, 106. See also Volt ag e


Watt, as unit of measure, 107
Wavefor m s
distortion, 338
features of, 323
symmetry, 321

Weighted time-shifted impulse
samples, 43
Window function, 47, 91–93, 321,
330, 563
Window models, 46, 48, 593–595
Windowing process, 397–398, 499
Windowing technique, 595


Y-∆ structure, 260–261
ynoise function, 369, 372–374
Yule-Walker algorithm, 584
yulewalk function, 588, 646–649


Zero-padding, 491
fi lter transfer function, 581–582,
584, 586, 593
Laplace transform, 349–350
z-plane, 584, 593
Z-transform (ZT)
causal exponential function, 479–480
convergence, 477–484
convolution, 474, 476
defi ned, 457–458, 461
discrete-time system analysis, 477
evaluation of, 485–486
inverse, 483–484
length sequences, 489
power of, 473–477
properties of, 474–476
system transfer function, 482
time domain, 478–479, 482
transformation from time to frequency
domain, 477–478
transformation pairs, 483

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