Cambridge International Mathematics

(Tina Sui) #1
Sets (Chapter 2) 61

1 True or false?
a 32 Z+ b 62 Z c^342 Q d

22 =Q

e ¡^142 =Q f 2132 Z g 0 : 36842 R h


0 : 1

2 Z

2 Which of these are rational?

a 8 b ¡ 8 c 213 d ¡ (^314)
3 f
400 g 9 : 176 h ¼¡¼
3 Show that these numbers are rational: a 0 : 7 b 0 : 41 c 0 : 324
4aExplain why 0 : 527 is a rational number.
b 0 : 9 is a rational number. In fact, 0 : 92 Z. Give evidence to support this statement.
5 Explain why these statements are false:
a The sum of two irrationals is irrational. b The product of two irrationals is irrational.
6 True or false? a N μZ b R μQ c ZμQ.
Interval notationallows us to quickly describe sets of numbers using mathematical symbols only.
For example: fxj¡ 3 <x 62 ,x 2 Rg reads ‘the set of all realxsuch thatxlies
between negative 3 and 2 , including 2 ’.
Unless stated otherwise, we assume we are dealing withrealnumbers. Thus,
the set can also be written as fxj¡ 3 <x 62 g.
We can represent the set on a number line as:
Sometimes we want to restrict a set to include only integers or rationals.
For example: fxj¡ 5 <x< 5 ,x 2 Zg
reads ‘the set of all integersxsuch thatxlies between negative 5 and 5 ’.
We can represent the set on a number line as:
Example 3 Self Tutor
Write in interval notation:
a fxj 16 x 65 ,x 2 Ng
or fxj 16 x 65 ,x 2 Zg
b fxj¡ 36 x< 6 g
05 x -^36 x

  • 32

not included included


-5 0 5 x

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