Cambridge International Mathematics

(Tina Sui) #1
Mensuration (length and area) (Chapter 9) 193

Example 1 Self Tutor

Convert: a 4 : 5 km to m b 1 : 25 mtomm

a 4 : 5 km
=(4: 5 £1000)m
= 4500m

b 1 : 25 m
=(1: 25 £100)cm
=(1: 25 £ 100 £10)mm
= 1250mm

Example 2 Self Tutor

Convert: a 350 cm to m b 23 000mm to m

a 350 cm
= (350¥100)m
=3: 5 m

b 23 000mm
= (23 000¥10)cm
= (23 000¥ 10 ¥100)m

1 Suggest an appropriate unit of length for measuring the following:
a the length of a baby b the width of an eraser
c the distance from London to Cambridge d the height of an old oak tree
e the length of an ant f the length of a pen
2 Estimate the following and then check by measuring:
a the length of your desk b the width of your pencil case
c the height of a friend d the dimensions of your classroom
e the length of a tennis court f the width of a hockey pitch
3 Convert:
a 52 km to m b 115 cm to mm c 1 : 65 mtocm
d 6 : 3 mtomm e 0 : 625 km to cm f 8 : 1 km to mm
4 Convert:
a 480 cm to m b 54 mm to cm c 5280 mtokm
d 2000 mm to m e 580 000cm to km f 7 000 000mm to km
5 Convert the following lengths:
a 42 : 1 km to m b 210 cm to m c 75 mm to cm
d 1500 mtokm e 1 : 85 mtocm f 42 : 5 cm to mm
g 2 : 8 km to cm h 16 500mm to m i 0 : 25 km to mm
6 A packet contains 120 wooden skewers, each of which is 15 cm long. If the skewers are placed in a
line end to end, how far will the line stretch?
7 The length of a marathon is about 42 km. If the distance around your school’s track is 400 m, how
many laps must you complete to run the length of a marathon?

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100 100
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