Cambridge International Mathematics

(Tina Sui) #1
Mensuration (solids and containers) (Chapter 11) 245

7 How many spherical fishing sinkers with diameter 1 cm could be made by melting a rectangular block
of lead 20 cm by 5 cm by 6 cm and casting the molten product?
8 A conical heap of garden soil is dumped on a flat surface. If the diameter of the heap equals its height,
and its volume is 1 : 5 m^3 , how high is the heap?


Thecapacityof a container is the quantity of fluid or gas used to fill it.

The basic unit of capacity is the litre.

1 centilitre(cl) =10millilitres (ml)
1 litre = 1000millilitres (ml)
1 litre = 100centilitres (cl)
1 kilolitre(kl) = 1000litres


Example 11 Self Tutor

Convert: a 4 : 2 litres to ml b 36 800litres to kl c 25 cl to litres

a 4 : 2 litres
=(4: 2 £1000)ml
= 4200ml

b 36 800litres
= (36 800¥1000)kl
=36: 8 kl

c 25 cl
= (25¥100)litres
=0: 25 litres

1 Give the most appropriate units of capacity for measuring the amount of water in a:
a test tube b small drink bottle c swimming pool d laundry tub
2 Convert:
a 68 cl into ml b 3 : 76 litres into cl c 375 ml into cl
d 47 320litres into kl e 3 : 5 kl into litres f 0 : 423 litres into ml
g 0 : 054 kl into litres h 58 340cl into kl

C CAPACITY [6.1, 6.4]

2 h



V=l(2h^2 ¡^12 ¼r^2 )

To avoid
confusion with
the number ,
we write out the
full word litre.


kl litres cl ml

̧1000 ̧100



́1000 ́10

A half-pipe for skating is made with the dimensions shown.
Show that the volume of concrete used is given by the

cyan magenta yellow black

100 100
100 100
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