1 Where is the error in the following argument?
2 >
) log(^12 )>log(^14 )
) log(^12 )>log(^12 )^2
) log(^12 )>2 log(^12 )
) 1 > 2 fdividing both sides bylog(^12 )g
2 Solve forx:
a 4 x¡ 2 x+3+15=0 Hint: Let 2 x=m, say.
b logx= 5 log 2¡log(x+4).
3aFind the solution of 2 x=3 to the full extent of your calculator’s display.
b The solution of this equation is not a rational number, so it is irrational.
Consequently its decimal expansion is infinitely long and neither terminates nor recurs. Copy
and complete the following argument which proves that the solution of 2 x=3 is irrational
without looking at the decimal expansion.
Assume that the solution of 2 x=3is rational.
(The opposite of what we are trying to prove.)
) there exist positive integerspandqsuch that x=
, q 6 =0
Thus 2
) 2 p=::::::
and this is impossible as the LHS is ...... and the RHS is ...... no matter what valuespandq
may take.
Clearly, we have a contradiction and so the original assumption is incorrect.
Consequently, the solution of 2 x=3 is ......
4 Prove that:
a the solution of 3 x=4 is irrational
b the exact value of log 25 is irrational.
638 Logarithms (Chapter 31)
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