Microsoft Access VBA Macro Programming

(Tina Sui) #1

Creating a Form for the Table

Create a form based on the Suppliers table by clicking Create in the Access menu and
clicking the Form Design icon in the Forms group of the ribbon. Right-click the form in
Design mode and select Properties. On the Property Sheet, select Form in the drop-down at
the top and set the Record Source property to tblSupplier.
Add on to the form two drop-down (combo) boxes and one text box. Go to the property sheet
for each control and set the Control Source property for the first drop-down to SupplierSize and
the second drop-down to SupplierName. Set the Control Source property for the text box to
Set the Row Source property for the SupplierSize drop-down to the SQL statement:

SELECT DISTINCT SupplierSize FROM tblSupplier;

Your form should now look like Figure 39-3.
You can now add some VBA code to your form to make it interactive. Right-click the
SupplierSize drop-down and select Build Event. Select Code Builder in the pop-up box and
you will be taken to the VBE window for the form. For the Combo0 control (assuming that

Chapter 39: Make Controls on Forms Interactive 351

Figure 39-2 Data for the supplier table
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