Explore Travel Guides Colombia

(Rick Simeone) #1



Colombia has several private and state owned television networks. These
networks mostly produce series, telenovelas (soap operas) and the news. U.S.
produced programs can be found in English on cable throughout Colombia.


All mid and major cities produce their own Spanish newspapers. The most
prominent ones are El Tiempo and El Espectador, published in Bogotá. This site
has links to many of Colombia's top newspapers.


Colombia has a flourishing magazine industry. Semana magazine is Colombia's
equivalent to the United States Time magazine. Many national fashion, sports
and travel magazines can be found throughout Colombia.


Catholicism is the most common practiced religion in Colombia. Colombia's
constitution protects the freedom of religious choices. Small populations of
Muslims, Jews, Jehovah Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventists, Pentecostals,
Baptists and Mormons can be found throughout the country, especially in the


Soccer is Colombia's sport of passion. Colombia has a professional league with
teams in mid and large cities that have loyal followings. There are multiple
divisions within the league. There is a system for playoffs and movement

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