The Leadership Training Activity Book: 50 Exercises

(John Hannent) #1
Step 3: Hold a general discussion on the problems.
Now reverse the discussion topic and talk about times when their
learning was meaningful. Perhaps it was because...

  • The learning was “active.”

  • The material was relevant.

  • The timing was right.
    Step 4: Hold a general discussion on what people do right.

Distribute and review the Handout 43.1, Creating Exemplary Learning
Experiences.Then divide the participants into groups of 4–6. Ask each
group to choose one of the modules they attended during this
leadership program that they would like to offer to their employees.
Using the points on the handout, ask participants to develop a learning
plan. Allow plenty of time for this activity.
Step 5: Give them this assignment: “Now conduct the learning module your
group has developed with a few of your employees, and be prepared to
report back the results to this group.”

Step 6: Wrap up by reviewing the main points you discussed.


Take time shortly after conducting this activity to reflect on how it went, how engaged
the participants were, and what questions they raised. Then, make notes that include
how much time you actually spent on the activity.

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