The Artist's Way

(Axel Boer) #1

What we really want to do is what we are really meant to
do. When we do what we are meant to do, money comes to
us, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do
feels like play to us.
We will continue to work this week with our ideas
surrounding money. We will see how our ideas about
money (“It’s hard to get. You have to work long hours for
it. You need to worry about money first and creativity
second”) shape our ideas about creativity.


For those of us who have become artistically anorectic—
yearning to be creative and refusing to feed that hunger in
ourselves so that we become more and more focused on our
deprivation—a little authentic luxury can go a long way.
The key work here is authentic. Because art is born in
expansion, in a belief in sufficient supply, it is critical that
we pamper ourselves for the sense of abundance it brings to
What constitutes pampering? That will vary for each of
us. For Gillian, a pair of new-to-her tweed trousers from the
vintage store conjured up images of Carole Lombard
laughter and racy roadsters. For Jean, a single, sprightly

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