The Artist's Way

(Axel Boer) #1

  1. New Childhood: What might you have been if you’d
    had perfect nurturing? Write a page of this fantasy
    childhood. What were you given? Can you reparent
    yourself in that direction now?

  2. Color Schemes: Pick a color and write a quick few
    sentences describing yourself in the first person. (“I
    am silver, high-tech and ethereal, the color of dreams
    and accomplishment, the color of half-light and in
    between, I feel serene.” Or “I am red. I am passion,
    sunset, anger, blood, wine and roses, armies, murder,
    lust, and apples.” What is your favorite color? What
    do you have that is that color? What about an entire
    room? This is your life and your house.

Your    desire  is  your    prayer. Picture the
fulfillment of your desire now and
feel its reality and you will
experience the joy of the answered

  1. List five things you are not allowed to do: kill your
    boss, scream in church, go outside naked, make a
    scene, quit your job. Now do that thing on paper.
    Write it, draw it, paint it, act it out, collage it. Now
    put some music on and dance it.

  2. Style Search: List twenty things you like to do.
    (Perhaps the same twenty you listed before, perhaps
    not.) Answer these questions for each item.

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