The Artist's Way

(Axel Boer) #1
not exist.

As attractive as the idea of a pristine cell, monastic in its
severity, is to our romanticized notion of being a real artist,
the workable truth may be somewhat messier than that. Most
little kids would be bored silly in a stark, barren room. Our
artist child is no exception.
Remember that art is process. The process is supposed to
be fun. For our purposes, “the journey is always the only
arrival” may be interpreted to mean that our creative work is
actually our creativity itself at play in the field of time. At
the heart of this play is the mystery of joy.


Recovering from artist’s block, like recovering from any
major illness or injury, requires a commitment to health. At
some point, we must make an active choice to relinquish
thejoys and privileges accorded to the emotional invalid. A
productive artist is quite often a happy person. This can be
very threatening as a self-concept to those who are used to
getting their needs met by being unhappy.

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