Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 23rd Edition

(Chris Devlin) #1
Properties of Sensory Receptors 153

the skin only over the spots where the receptors for these modal-
ities are located. In the cornea and adjacent sclera of the eye, the
surface area supplied by a single sensory unit is 50–200 mm
Generally, the areas supplied by one unit overlap and interdigi-
tate with the areas supplied by others.
One of the most important mechanisms that enable local-
ization of a stimulus site is
lateral inhibition.
from sensory neurons whose receptors are at the peripheral
edge of the stimulus is inhibited compared to information
from the sensory neurons at the center of the stimulus. Thus,
lateral inhibition enhances the contrast between the center
and periphery of a stimulated area and increases the ability of
the brain to localize a sensory input. Lateral inhibition under-
two-point discrimination
(see Clinical Box 8–1).


The intensity of sensation is determined by the amplitude of the
stimulus applied to the receptor. This is illustrated in Figure 8–3.
As a greater pressure is applied to the skin, the receptor poten-
tial in the mechanoreceptor increases (not shown), and the fre-
quency of the action potentials in a single axon transmitting
information to the CNS is also increased. In addition to increas-
ing the firing rate in a single axon, the greater intensity of stim-
ulation also will recruit more receptors into the receptive field.

It has long been taught that the magnitude of the sensation felt
is proportional to the log of the intensity of the stimulus
(Weber–Fechner law).
It now appears, however, that a power
function more accurately describes this relation. In other words,

R = KS

where R is the sensation felt, S is the intensity of the stimulus,
and, for any specific sensory modality, K and A are constants.
The frequency of the action potentials generated in a sensory
nerve fiber is also related to the intensity of the initiating
stimulus by a power function. An example of this relation is
shown is shown in Figure 8–4, in which the calculated expo-
nent is 0.52. However, the relation between direct stimulation
of a sensory nerve and the sensation felt is linear. Conse-
quently, it appears that for any given sensory modality, the
relation between sensation and stimulus intensity is deter-
mined primarily by the properties of the peripheral receptors.


When a maintained stimulus of constant strength is applied to
a receptor, the frequency of the action potentials in its sensory
nerve declines over time. This phenomenon is known as
The degree to which adaptation oc-
curs varies from one sense to another. Receptors can be
classified into
rapidly adapting (phasic) receptors
adapting (tonic) receptors.
This is illustrated for different
types of touch receptors in Figure 8–1
Meissner and Pacinian
corpuscles are examples of rapidly adapting receptors, and
Merkel cells and Ruffini endings are examples of slowly adapt-
ing receptors. Other examples of slowly adapting receptors are
muscle spindles and nociceptors. Different types of sensory
adaptation appear to have some value to the individual. Light
touch would be distracting if it were persistent; and, converse-
ly, slow adaptation of spindle input is needed to maintain pos-
ture. Similarly, input from nociceptors provides a warning
that would lose its value if it adapted and disappeared.

The speed of conduction and other characteristics of sensory
nerve fibers vary, but action potentials are similar in all nerves.
The action potentials in the nerve from a touch receptor, for
example, are essentially identical to those in the nerve from a
warmth receptor. This raises the question of why stimulation
of a touch receptor causes a sensation of touch and not of
warmth. It also raises the question of how it is possible to tell
whether the touch is light or heavy.


The sensation evoked by impulses generated in a receptor de-
pends in part on the specific part of the brain they ultimately
activate. The specific sensory pathways are discrete from sense


Two-Point Discrimination
The size of the receptive fields for light touch can be mea-
sured by the
two-point threshold test.
In this procedure,
the two points on a pair of calipers are simultaneously posi-
tioned on the skin and one determines the minimum dis-
tance between the two caliper points that can be perceived
as separate points of stimulation. This is called the
discrimination threshold.
If the distance is very small, each
caliper point is touching the receptive field of only one sen-
sory neuron. If the distance between stimulation points is
less than this threshold, only one point of stimulation can be
felt. Thus, the two-point discrimination threshold is a meas-
ure of
tactile acuity.
The magnitude of two-point discrimi-
nation thresholds varies from place to place on the body and
is smallest where touch receptors are most abundant. Stimu-
lus points on the back, for instance, must be separated by at
least 65 mm before they can be distinguished as separate,
whereas on the fingertips two stimuli are recognized if they
are separated by as little as 2 mm. Blind individuals benefit
from the tactile acuity of fingertips to facilitate the ability to
read Braille; the dots forming Braille symbols are separated
by 2.5 mm. Two-point discrimination is used to test the in-
tegrity of the
dorsal column (medial lemniscus) system,
the central pathway for touch and proprioception.
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