Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 23rd Edition

(Chris Devlin) #1

Central & Peripheral Neurophysiology

neurons is dominant, the activity in acetylcholine-containing
neurons is reduced, leading to the appearance of wakefulness.
The reverse of this pattern leads to REM sleep. Also, wakefulness
occurs when GABA release is reduced and histamine release is

The entrainment of biological processes to the light–dark cycle
is regulated by the SCN.

The diurnal change in melatonin secretion from serotonin in
the pineal gland may function as a timing signal to coordinate
events with the light–dark cycle, including the sleep–wake cycle.


For all questions, select the single best answer unless otherwise directed.

  1. In a healthy, alert adult sitting with the eyes closed, the dominant
    EEG rhythm observed with electrodes over the occipital lobes is
    A) delta (0.5–4 Hz).
    B) theta (4–7 Hz).
    C) alpha (8–13 Hz).
    D) beta (18–30 Hz).
    E) fast, irregular low-voltage activity.

  2. Which of the following pattern of changes in central neurotrans-
    mitters/neuromodulators are associated with the transition from
    NREM to wakefulness?
    A) decrease in norepinephrine, increase in epinephrine,
    increase in acetylcholine, decrease in histamine, and
    decrease in GABA
    B) decrease in norepinephrine, increase in epinephrine,
    increase in acetylcholine, decrease in histamine, and
    increase in GABA
    C) decrease in norepinephrine, decrease in epinephrine,
    increase in acetylcholine, increase in histamine, and increase
    in GABA
    D) increase in norepinephrine, increase in epinephrine,
    decrease in acetylcholine, increase in histamine, and
    decrease in GABA
    E) increase in norepinephrine, decrease in epinephrine,
    decrease in acetylcholine, increase in histamine, and
    decrease in GABA

  3. A gamma rhythm (30–80 Hz)
    A) is characteristic of seizure activity.
    B) is seen in an individual who is awake but not focused.
    C) may be a mechanism to bind together sensory information
    into a single percept and action.
    D) is independent of thalamocortical loops.
    E) is generated in the hippocampus.

  4. Melatonin secretion would probably not be increased by
    A) stimulation of the superior cervical ganglia.
    B) intravenous infusion of tryptophan.
    C) intravenous infusion of epinephrine.
    D) stimulation of the optic nerve.
    E) induction of pineal hydroxyindole-
    5. Absence seizures
    A) are a form of nonconvulsive generalized seizures accompa-
    nied by momentary loss of consciousness.
    B) are a form of complex partial seizures accompanied by
    momentary loss of consciousness.
    C) are a form of nonconvulsive generalized seizures without a
    loss of consciousness.
    D) are a form of simple partial seizures without a loss of con-
    E) are a form of convulsive generalized seizures accompanied
    by momentary loss of consciousness.
    6. Narcolepsy is triggered by abnormalities in the
    A) skeletal muscles.
    B) medulla oblongata.
    C) hypothalamus.
    D) olfactory bulb.
    E) neocortex.

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