Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 23rd Edition

(Chris Devlin) #1

46 SECTION ICellular & Molecular Basis of Medical Physiology

often external (eg, a neurotransmitter or a hormone). How-
ever, it can also be internal; intracellular Ca2+, cAMP, lipids,
or one of the G proteins produced in cells can bind directly to
channels and activate them. Some channels are also opened
by mechanical stretch, and these mechanosensitive channels
play an important role in cell movement.
Other transport proteins are carriers that bind ions and
other molecules and then change their configuration, moving

the bound molecule from one side of the cell membrane to the
other. Molecules move from areas of high concentration to
areas of low concentration (down their chemical gradient),
and cations move to negatively charged areas whereas anions
move to positively charged areas (down their electrical gradi-
ent). When carrier proteins move substances in the direction of
their chemical or electrical gradients, no energy input is
required and the process is called facilitated diffusion. A typi-
cal example is glucose transport by the glucose transporter,
which moves glucose down its concentration gradient from the
ECF to the cytoplasm of the cell. Other carriers transport sub-
stances against their electrical and chemical gradients. This
form of transport requires energy and is called active trans-
port. In animal cells, the energy is provided almost exclusively
by hydrolysis of ATP. Not surprisingly, therefore, many carrier
molecules are ATPases, enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of
ATP. One of these ATPases is sodium–potassium adenosine
triphosphatase (Na, K ATPase), which is also known as the
Na, K pump. There are also H, K ATPases in the gastric
mucosa and the renal tubules. Ca2+ATPase pumps Ca2+ out of
cells. Proton ATPases acidify many intracellular organelles,
including parts of the Golgi complex and lysosomes.
Some of the transport proteins are called uniports because
they transport only one substance. Others are called symports
because transport requires the binding of more than one sub-
stance to the transport protein and the substances are trans-
ported across the membrane together. An example is the
symport in the intestinal mucosa that is responsible for the
cotransport by facilitated diffusion of Na+ and glucose from the
intestinal lumen into mucosal cells. Other transporters are called
antiports because they exchange one substance for another.


There are ion channels specific for K+, Na+, Ca2+, and Cl–, as
well as channels that are nonselective for cations or anions.
Each type of channel exists in multiple forms with diverse
properties. Most are made up of identical or very similar sub-
units. Figure 2–16 shows the multiunit structure of various
channels in diagrammatic cross-section.
Most K+ channels are tetramers, with each of the four sub-
units forming part of the pore through which K+ ions pass.
Structural analysis of a bacterial voltage-gated K+ channel
indicates that each of the four subunits have a paddle-like
extension containing four charges. When the channel is
closed, these extensions are near the negatively charged inte-
rior of the cell. When the membrane potential is reduced, the
paddles containing the charges bend through the membrane
to its exterior surface, causing the channel to open. The bacte-
rial K+ channel is very similar to the voltage-gated K+ chan-
nels in a wide variety of species, including mammals. In the
acetylcholine ion channel and other ligand-gated cation or
anion channels, five subunits make up the pore. Members of
the ClC family of Cl– channels are dimers, but they have two
pores, one in each subunit. Finally, aquaporins are tetramers

FIGURE 2–15 Regulation of gating in ion channels. Several
types of gating are shown for ion channels. A) Ligand-gated channels
open in response to ligand binding. B) Protein phosphorylation or de-
phosphorylation regulate opening and closing of some ion channels.
C) Changes in membrane potential alter channel openings. D) Me-
chanical stretch of the membrane results in channel opening. (Repro-
duced with permission from Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessell TM [editors]: Principles of
Neural Science, 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2000.)

Pi P

A Ligand-gated


B Phosphorylation-gated

C Voltage-gated

D Stretch or pressure-gated

Bind ligand






+ ++ +

+ ++ +

  • – – –

  • – – –

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