Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 23rd Edition

(Chris Devlin) #1
CHAPTER 2Overview of Cellular Physiology in Medical Physiology 59

depends on the constancy of this fluid, it is not surprising that
in multicellular animals, an immense number of regulatory
mechanisms have evolved to maintain it. To describe “the var-
ious physiologic arrangements which serve to restore the nor-
mal state, once it has been disturbed,” W.B. Cannon coined
the term homeostasis. The buffering properties of the body
fluids and the renal and respiratory adjustments to the pres-
ence of excess acid or alkali are examples of homeostatic

mechanisms. There are countless other examples, and a large
part of physiology is concerned with regulatory mechanisms
that act to maintain the constancy of the internal environ-
ment. Many of these regulatory mechanisms operate on the
principle of negative feedback; deviations from a given normal
set point are detected by a sensor, and signals from the sensor
trigger compensatory changes that continue until the set point
is again reached.


Receptor & G Protein Diseases
Many diseases are being traced to mutations in the genes
for receptors. For example, loss-of-function receptor muta-
tions that cause disease have been reported for the 1,25-
dihydroxycholecalciferol receptor and the insulin receptor.
Certain other diseases are caused by production of anti-
bodies against receptors. Thus, antibodies against thyroid-
stimulating hormone (TSH) receptors cause Graves’ dis-
ease, and antibodies against nicotinic acetylcholine recep-
tors cause myasthenia gravis.
An example of loss of function of a receptor is the type of
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus that is due to loss of the
ability of mutated V 2 vasopressin receptors to mediate con-
centration of the urine. Mutant receptors can gain as well
as lose function. A gain-of-function mutation of the Ca2+
receptor causes excess inhibition of parathyroid hormone
secretion and familial hypercalciuric hypocalcemia. G
proteins can also undergo loss-of-function or gain-of-func-
tion mutations that cause disease (Table 2–6), In one form
of pseudohypoparathyroidism, a mutated Gsα fails to re-
spond to parathyroid hormone, producing the symptoms
of hypoparathyroidism without any decline in circulating
parathyroid hormone. Testotoxicosis is an interesting dis-
ease that combines gain and loss of function. In this condi-
tion, an activating mutation of Gsα causes excess testoster-
one secretion and prepubertal sexual maturation. However,
this mutation is temperature-sensitive and is active only
at the relatively low temperature of the testes (33 °C). At
37 °C, the normal temperature of the rest of the body, it is
replaced by loss of function, with the production of hypo-
parathyroidism and decreased responsiveness to TSH. A
different activating mutation in Gsα is associated with the
rough-bordered areas of skin pigmentation and hypercorti-
solism of the McCune–Albright syndrome. This mutation
occurs during fetal development, creating a mosaic of nor-
mal and abnormal cells. A third mutation in Gsα reduces its
intrinsic GTPase activity. As a result, it is much more active
than normal, and excess cAMP is produced. This causes hy-
perplasia and eventually neoplasia in somatotrope cells of
the anterior pituitary. Forty percent of somatotrope tumors
causing acromegaly have cells containing a somatic muta-
tion of this type.

TABLE 2–6 Examples of abnormalities caused by
loss- or gain-of-function mutations of heterotrimeric
G protein-coupled receptors and G proteins.


Type of
Mutation Disease
Cone opsins Loss Color blindness
Rhodopsin Loss Congenital night blindness; two
forms of retinitis pigmentosa
V 2 vasopressin Loss X-linked nephrogenic diabetes
ACTH Loss Familial glucocorticoid deficiency
LH Gain Familial male precocious puberty
TSH Gain Familial nonautoimmune hyperthy-
TSH Loss Familial hypothyroidism
Ca2+ Gain Familial hypercalciuric hypocalcemia
A 2

Loss Congenital bleeding

Endothelin B Loss Hirschsprung disease
G protein
Gs α Loss Pseudohypothyroidism type 1a
Gs α Gain/loss Testotoxicosis
Gs α Gain

McCune–Albright syndrome

Gs α Gain Somatotroph adenomas with acro-
Gi α Gain Ovarian and adrenocortical tumors
Modified from Lem J: Diseases of G-protein-coupled signal transduc-
tion pathways: The mammalian visual system as a model. Semin Neuro-
sci 1998;9:232.
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