A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

Note that this estimateimplies that i.e.,that the gas would cool to
absolute zero. This is, of course, nottrue; several assumptionswould break
down longbeforethat. Theflowduringexpansion into vacuum isalways
turbulent; the gaswould condenseand phase-separate andthereforewould
cease to be ideal. The velocityof sound inside thevessel
Substituting (S.4.22.14) into (S.4.22.12) yields
Heat and Work
4.2 3 Cylinder with Massive Piston (Rutgers, Moscow
When the piston isreleased, itwillmove insome, as yetunknown,direction.
The gas will obey the ideal gas law at equilibrium, so

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