A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

The factor is thephase changewhen the particle goesthrough the
turning point where
For the present problem we have that for and this part
of the integral exactly cancels the term For the potential is
assumingthat The turning point is so we

5.59 Parabolic Phase Shift (Tennessee)

Again we use(S.5.58.1) forthe phase shift. Thepotential in the
present problem is zero for The integral in this region cancels the
term To the left of the origin, the turning point is

The integral over again equals The phase shift is linear with
energy and has a constant term.

5.60 Phase Shift for Inverse Quadratic (Tennessee)

Again we use (S.5.58.1) for the phase shift. The turning point is
The phase integral is

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