A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

where is the range of the potential. The first condition derives
from the requirement that the perturbedwavefunction beveryclose to the
unperturbedwave function. Inequality (S.5.65.5) may also be considered
the requirement that the potential besmall compared to thekineticenergy
of the particlelocalized at thesource of theperturbation. Even if thefirst
condition is not satisfied, particleswithlargeenough willalsojustify the
Born approximation.

5.66 Scattering of Two Electrons (Princeton)

We evaluate thescattering in the Born approximation, which is validwhen
the kineticenergies aremuch largerthan the binding energy. TheFourier
transform of thepotential is

and the formulafor the totalcrosssection of electronswith initialwave
vector is

This crosssection is suitable forclassicalparticles,without regard tospin.
The specification to the spin statesS= 0, 1 is made below. Write
where is thesolidangle of thescattering. Thedifferentialcross
section is found by taking the functional derivative of the cross section with
respect tothissolid angle:

where we have used the fact that and is defined by
The magnitudes of the vectors and are the same,
so (seeProblem5.65 andFigureS.5.65). All
of the dimensional factors arecombined into the Bohrradius Now we
consider how thisformula isaltered by the spin of the electrons. Spin is
conserved in thescattering, so the pair of electrons has thesamespin state
before and after thecollision.

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