A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

5.71 Attractive Delta Function in 3D (Princeton)

a) The amplitude of thewavefunction is continuous at the point of
the deltafunction. For the derivative wefirst note that the eigenfunctions
are written interms of aradialfunction andangular functions:

Since thedeltafunction isonly for theradial variable only thefunction
has a discontinuousslope. From the radialpart of thekineticenergy
operator we integratefrom to

Thisformula isused tomatch theslopes at

b) In order to findboundstates, we assume that theparticle has an energy
given by where needs to bedetermined by aneigenvalue
equation. Theeigenfunctions arecombinations of exp In order to
be zero at and to vanish atinfinity, wemust choose theform

We match thevalues of at Wematch the derivative, using the
results of part (a):

We eliminatethe constants A and B and obtain theeigenvalue equation
for whichwe proceed tosimplify:

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