A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

Quantum Statistics

4.64 Fermi Energy of a 1 D Electron Gas

Calculate the Fermi energy for a one-dimensional metal with one freeelec-
tron per atom and an atomic spacing of 2.5 Å atT= 0.

4.65 Two-Dimensional Fermi Gas (MIT,

Consider a noninteractingnonrelativistic gas of N spin-1/2 fermions at
T= 0 in a box of areaA.

c) Qualitatively discuss the behavior of the heat capacity of this system
at low temperatures.

4.66 Nonrelativistic Electron Gas (Stony Brook,

Wisconsin-Madison, Michigan State)

Derive the relation between pressure and volume of a free nonrela-
tivistic electron gas at zero temperature.
The formula obtained in (a) is approximately correct for sufficiently
low temperatures (the so-called strongly degenerate gas). Discuss the
applicability of this formula to common metals.

Find the Fermi energy.
Show that thetotal energy isgiven by



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