A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

5.24 Triplet Square Well (Stony Brook)

Consider atwo-electronsystem inonedimension, whereboth electrons have
spins aligned inthe samedirection(say,up). They interact onlythrough
the attractivesquarewell in relativecoordinates

What is the lowestenergy of the two-electron state? Assume the total
momentum is zero.

5.25 Dipolar Interactions (Stony Brook)

Two spin-1/2 particles are separated bya distance and interact only
through themagnetic dipoleenergy

where is the magnetic moment of spin Thesystem of two spins
consists ofeigenstates of thetotalspin andtotal
a) Write the Hamiltonian in terms of spin operators.
b) Write the Hamiltonian in terms of and
c) Give theeigenvalues for all states.

5.26 Spin-Dependent Potential (MIT)

Consider twoidentical particles ofmass andspin 1/2. They interact only
through thepotential

where and are Pauli spin matrices which operate on the spin of
a) Construct thespineigenfunctions for the two particle states. What
is the expectation value of Vfor each ofthese states?
b) Give the eigenvalues of all of theboundstates.

Show that commuteswith
Derive the spectrum of from thecommutation relations.


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