A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

where is theangle around the circle. Anelectric field is imposed in the
plane of the circle. Find theperturbedenergylevels up to

5.41 Rotator in Field (Stony Brook)

Consider a rigidbody with moment of inertiaI, which is constrained to
rotate in the and whosemotion isgiven by theSchrödinger equa-

a) Find theeigenfunctions andeigenvalues.
b) Assume therotator has afixed dipole momentpin the plane. An
electric field isapplied to the plane. Find thechanges in theenergy
levels tofirst and secondorder in the field.

5.42 Finite Size of Nucleus (Maryland, Michigan
State, Princeton, Stony Brook)

Regard the nucleus of charge Z as a sphere of radius with a uniform
charge density. Assumethat where is theBohrradius of the
hydrogen atom.
Derive an expression for theelectrostaticpotential between the
nucleus and the electrons in the atom. If is the
potential from a point charge, find the difference
due to the size of the nucleus.
Assume one electron isbound to thenucleus in thelowestbound
state. What is its wavefunction whencalculatedusing the potential
from apoint nucleus?
Use first-order perturbationtheory toderive an expression for the
change in the ground stateenergy of theelectron due to the finite
size of the nucleus.




5.43 U and Perturbation (Princeton)

A particle is moving inthe three-dimensionalharmonicoscillatorwith po-
tentialenergy A weakperturbation is applied:

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