PHOTO: ALAN MURPHY``````three types of sites: forest reserves, ex-isting subdivisions, and âchanging sitesâwhere forest was being turned into sub-division. There they caught and bandedavoider and adapter birdsânearly 3,000in allâthen tracked where the birds wentand whether they fledged broods.The species studied typically staywith one mate in one area. But whendevelopment removed the low plantswhere avoiders like to nest, researcherssaw the birds relocate and âdivorce,âor not reunite with, their prior mate.When finding a new partner and newterritory disrupts a breeding season,avoiders âoften fail to produce young,âMarzluff says. âFor a bird that lives fiveor six years, thatâs a big hit.âTo thrive and multiply, avoider birdswill need native habitat reserves. Butmany species of adaptable birds âdovery well around us,â Marzluff says. âItâsimportant for people to realize that wecan do a lot in our yards and neighbor-hoods to foster birds.â
When land developers remove nativevegetation to put in subdivisions, somesongbirds do just fine. These âadapterâspecies find alternative places to nestand may even thrive near humans, saysJohn Marzluff, a wildlife science pro-fessor at the University of Washington.But other species of songbirds fleein search of undisturbed habitat, evenif it means leaving a mate and losingchances to reproduce, Marzluff says. Inthe face of urbanization, the âavoiderâspeciesâsuch as the Wilsonâs warbleraboveâare known to decline.Marzluff and his colleagues spent 12years gathering data for one of the fewstudies that have been done on howurbanization affects songbird speciesâdispersal. The researchers identifiedMORE âBURBS MAYMEAN LESS SEXBy Patricia Edmonds|EXPLORE|BASIC INSTINCTSWILSONâSWARBLERHABITAT/RANGEPrefer brushy, woodlandareas; breed in Alaska,Canada, and northernparts of the lower 48states; winter in thesouthern U.S., Mexico,and Central AmericaCONSERVATION STATUSThe IUCN assessment:least concernOTHER FACTSFemales and males havesimilar coloring exceptfor the malesâ black cap.
martin jones
(Martin Jones)