Apache, 170, 174
“bind()” method, 45
BODY.PEEK[], 276
Callback-Style asyncio, 128
call() method, 170
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 188
Certificate authorities (CAs), 94
Certificate-signing request (CSR), 96
cipher() method, 107
Client-server networking
application layers, 4
encoding and decoding, 10
Google geocoding protocol, 2
higher-level network protocols, 9
internet protocol, 11
IP addresses, 12
longitude and latitude, 4
lower-level protocols, 9
network conversation, 6
packet fragmentation, 14
protocol stack, 1, 9
routing, 13
socket() API, 10
vendor-specific protocol, 9
virtual Python environments, 3
Command-line automation
ansible, 290
asterisk (*), 290
bash shell, 291
fabric, 289
pexpect, 290
protection, 294
remote-shell protocol, 295
SaltStack, 290
shell’s prompt, 290
buffering, 298
definition, 296
flush() call, 298
isatty() call, 297–298
ls command, 296–297
network programming, 297
Python, 296
xterm/SSH daemon, 296
Unix command arguments
asterisk wildcard character, 291
bash shell, 292
echo command, 291, 293
null character, 293
compression() method, 107
Conditional requests, 159
Connected sockets, 41, 45
CONNECT method, 155
Coroutine-style asyncio, 130
Deadlock, TCP
buffers, 52
client–server pattern, 49
dangers involved in protocols, 52
processing fixed-length blocks, 51
processing large amounts of data, 53
DELETE method, 155
DNS. See Domain Name System (DNS);
Domain Name Service (DNS)
Docker ecosystem, 176
do_GET() method, 169