Robinson Crusoe

(Sean Pound) #1

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protection of His providence, that I might not fall into the
hands of the barbarians, or that I might not lay my hands
upon them, unless I had a more clear call from Heaven to
do it, in defence of my own life.
In this disposition I continued for near a year after this;
and so far was I from desiring an occasion for falling upon
these wretches, that in all that time I never once went up
the hill to see whether there were any of them in sight, or
to know whether any of them had been on shore there or
not, that I might not be tempted to renew any of my con-
trivances against them, or be provoked by any advantage
that might present itself to fall upon them; only this I did: I
went and removed my boat, which I had on the other side of
the island, and carried it down to the east end of the whole
island, where I ran it into a little cove, which I found under
some high rocks, and where I knew, by reason of the cur-
rents, the savages durst not, at least would not, come with
their boats upon any account whatever. With my boat I car-
ried away everything that I had left there belonging to her,
though not necessary for the bare going thither - viz. a mast
and sail which I had made for her, and a thing like an an-
chor, but which, indeed, could not be called either anchor or
grapnel; however, it was the best I could make of its kind: all
these I removed, that there might not be the least shadow for
discovery, or appearance of any boat, or of any human habi-
tation upon the island. Besides this, I kept myself, as I said,
more retired than ever, and seldom went from my cell except
upon my constant employment, to milk my she-goats, and
manage my little flock in the wood, which, as it was quite on

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