Arabic Poetry: Trajectories of Modernity and Tradition

(Grace) #1

but he is also the muted addresser in such a stayor arresting contemplation.
The identification or fusion of the two gathers momentum in the last stanzas,
and both are one.

You progress a step toward the hall of forms,
toward the arcades of the phrase,
and everything metamorphoses,
everything metamorphoses....
(Ibid. 5)

The preparation takes place in a number of visits in keeping with Sufi bonds,
for the presence of the Sufi Shaykh al-Niffarlas a “friend” means that the
persona is no longer a disciple, nor a novice, but an equal in the Sufi stay
or arresting contemplation, like the Baghdadi Sufi Shibllin relation to
al->allmj (d. 922):

And my friend al-Niffari surprises me
with the rose of crimson water
and the glare of sea
and taste of salt air...
I end up craving bread
and wait for time
and the childhood
of evening talk
and the disclosure
and the moment that stuns.
(Ibid. 2–3)

Poetic variables: the mawwml and kmn kmn

A ninth dialogic strategy resides in the use of popular forms. The mawwml
goes back to the nonclassical Arabic mawmllor mawmliymhform that was in
existence by the sixth/twelfth century.^51 With regard to sung form, the
mawmllis made of four hemistichs of the same rhyme. At a later time it began
to accommodate a variety of multi-rhymed compositions. As it gives itself
freely to songs of nostalgia and yearning, the form is popular in Iraq. The
written form is made of five, or seven hemistichs; the first two have the same
rhyme (aa bb a), whereas the third and fourth have another rhyme. The fifth
has the same rhyme as the first two.^52 Practiced by many modern poets, the
form is deployed to reinstate the modernity impulse of deviation while appro-
priating the dialogic through the use of song shreds and popular singing at
large. The Iraqis, like al-Baymtland Sa‘dlYnsuf,^53 provide many instances in
this regard, but a free application of the form is carried out by the Egyptian
Mu.ammad ‘AflflMatar, who spent some years in Iraq. ‘AflflMatar uses as

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