Arabic Poetry: Trajectories of Modernity and Tradition

(Grace) #1


cAbbms Ibn al-A.naf 10
cAbbms, I.smn56
‘Abd al-Amlr, Shawql: use of Sumerian
lore 109–11
cAbd al-Xabnr, Xalm.27, 66–67, 86,

103, 218, 260, 262–63; dramatic
poetry 128–29; emulation of
independence 73–74; poetic
dialogization 82–83; treatment/
readings of al-Macarrl71–73
cAbduh, Mu.ammad 7

AbnNuwms 2, 37, 59, 123;
transgressions 246
AbnTammmm 2, 8, 10, 21, 54,
59, 60; innovatory role 242;
on travel 164
“AbnTammmm” (cAbd al-Xabnr) 73
Al-Mdmb(journal) 11, 38, 56, 225
Adorno, Theodor W. 171
Adnnls 3, 5, 10, 13, 15, 35–37, 40,
43, 54, 56, 92, 191; and authority
62; claiming and naming forebears
99–103; disidentification 48–49;
elegies 263–64; exile 179;
experimentation 56; historical
accentuations for modernity 58–60;
impact of French poetics 59;
modernity as a constant 60–61,
62–64; neo-sufi vein 116; poetics
80–81, 86–87; role in debates of
modernity and tradition 55; textual
apprenticeship 85; tradition and
modernity dialectics 56, 57, 58;
treatment/readings of al-Macarrl
78–80; treatment/readings of
al-Mutanabbl81, 157–58

al-Afghmnl, Jamml al-Dln7
AflflMayar, Mu.ammad 116, 252;
use of mawwmlform 117–19
Aflaq, Michel 22
“A.ada ‘ashara kawkaban li-Msym”
(“Eleven Stars for Asia”) (Nmxir)
AhmllGroup 23
A.lmm al-fmris al-qadlm(The Dreams
of an Ancient Knight) (cAbd
al-Xabnr) 74
A.mad, Aijaz 170, 171, 187
cM’ishah (Ishtar or Astarte) 151, 192,
211, 213–14, 221
Alberti, Rafael 39, 206, 207
alienation 3, 14, 20, 102–03, 163,
165, 178, 179, 186, 188, 189–90,
191–92, 203–04, 207, 209, 216,
222, 254, 267
“Al-Mlihah wa al-manfm” (Gods and
Exile) (al-Baymtl) 196–97
‘AllIbn al-Jahm 163
American Indians 25–26
Amln, Qmsim 7
cAmmmr Ibn Ymsir 95–96
‘mmmiyyahpoetry 122
Anat (moon goddess) 26, 27
‘Antarah 259
anticolonialism 8, 16–17
Apollinaire, Guillaume 225
Apollo poetic school 8, 9, 10, 18, 32
Aqnlnlakum(I Say to You)
(cAbd al-Xabnr) 73, 83
“Al-cArm” (Open Air or Wilderness)
(al-Baymtl) 216
Arabic language 90
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