Arabic Poetry: Trajectories of Modernity and Tradition

(Grace) #1

cautions against 63; knowledge of
45–46; modernists view 237; and
polyphonic poem 224–26
tradition-modernity nexus 30–31;
dialectics of 56–58; Rome
conference 1961 54–56; the
surviving past 34–37
transformative poetics 48–49
translation 43; as a modernist
engagement 44–46
travel: significance of 164
Yuhmmzl, ‘Abd al-Ra.mmn 260–62
Ynqmn, Fadwm16–20, 253–55;
association with Nmzik al-Malm’ikah
19–20; dedications to 158–59

cUmar al-Khayyam 137, 138

Umayyad poetry: poetics of legitimacy
242, 244–45
“Umm al-Mu‘tazz” (Qabbanl) 264–67
unitary discourse 89–91
‘Urwa b. al-Ward 100
Usynrat al-Adab al-Rafl‘ (The Myth of
Elite or Highbrow Literature)

van Gennep, Arnold 240
voice 46, 53, 86, 88; poetic
dialogization 91–96

wmfir 122
“Wajh ‘Ammmr Ibn Ymsir” (The Face
of ‘Ammmr Ibn Ymsir)
(Sa‘ld) 95–96
“Waqfatun ‘almal-aylml wa-khiymb
al-shablbah” (A Halt at a Campsite
and an Address to youth)
(al->ajwl) 247–48
Al-Wardl, All12–13
war poetry 9
The Waste Land(Eliot) 220, 223, 224,
226–27, 232
wine poem 237, 242
women: bodies 96–99; symbols
211–16, 224
Writing on al-Sayymb’s
To m b 160

“Yawm al-ar,” (The Day of the Land)
(Darwlsh) 125–27
Yeats, William Butler 45
Ynsuf, Sa‘dl: elegies 149–50;
exile 180–82; personae and
voicing 92–95
Ynsuf Ibn Tmshfln21

al-Zahmwl 68
Zurayq, Qusyanyln23
Zweig, Stevan 184

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