things aren’t things. But if we’re not careful, it seems, many
of us find ourselves overwhelmed by all the stuff we have to
manage, instead of focused on what we’re most passionate
about—writing or making or painting or connecting with
I want the stuff in my life to be light, easily managed,
simple, so that the best of my energy is free for people,
dreams, creativity; so that we can make memories around
the table, eating meals served on those white plates; so that I
can run after my kids in one of a half-dozen striped shirts;
so that when you want to borrow a book, each one on my
shelf tells a meaningful story.
How we live matters, and what you choose to own will
shape your life, whether you choose to admit it or not. Let’s
live lightly, freely, courageously, surrounded only by what
brings joy, simplicity, and beauty.