Present Over Perfect

(Grace) #1

makes you you, that makes you great, that makes you
different from everyone else is also the thing that,
unchecked, will ruin you. For me, it’s lust for life. It’s
energy, curiosity, hunger.
I’ll come back around this block a thousand times in my
lifetime, probably. I hope I’m getting better at it, hope that
I’m righting the imbalance more incrementally these days
than I was ten years ago. For the most part, I have been, I
But then the wheels fell off again, and I realized this time
around, it’s more than a tune-up, more than righting a pesky
small imbalance. This time around it’s about an overhaul,
about digging around the foundations and the assumptions
and building a new way of living from the ground up.
Because I’m stuffed.

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